Declaration of VAR

and some other stuff

On 19.05.2021 the website was moved to This is just a mirror now.
  • Swimming pool in Oslo

    2016-09-26 | 3 min read

    Winter is coming, and it’s time to find a nearest (or any) swimming pool, as outdoor running is becoming a less attractive activity. Knowing norwegian prices for everything, I was prepared (not really) for the worst, but it turned out, that I shouldn’t.

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  • Норвежский банк Nordea

    2016-09-20 | 6 min read

    Не удовлетворившись DNB, решил открыть счёт в банке Nordea. Процедура оказалась примерно такой же, но заняла несколько больше времени.

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  • X-Men: Apocalypse

    2016-09-16 | 1 min read

    X-Men: Apocalypse

    Шаблонная поделка без души, едва склеенная нарезка видосов для YouTube. Питух с крыльями - такой-то мощный персонаж (в конце даже главный злой дядька признал). Короче, 5/10. Но за сцену с резким типом и взрывающейся школой добавляю целый балл, и потому:


  • Convert video with service in Mac OS

    2016-08-25 | 3 min read

    I have some .avi videos in my photo archive on the external HDD. I decided to import them to iCLoud Photo Library in order to keep them safe. But doesn’t accept .avi, so I needed to convert them into .mov.

    Of course, FFmpeg is a default choice for such task. But I have quite a lot of .avi files, and I don’t want to call FFmpeg for every each one of them from terminal, I want to select several, right-click on them and just select something like “FFmpeg this”.

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  • Telegram notifications for Drupal

    2016-08-18 | 4 min read

    In previous posts I described how to send notifications from WordpPress and MediaWiki via Telegram bot (it is all in Russian, but you can just Google Translate it - should be fine).

    Now I want to tell you, how to send notifications about new posts (and/or comments) from Drupal.

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  • Boot to Qt on Raspberry Pi

    2016-07-25 | 7 min read

    I got Raspberry Pi 3 Model B and now will use it for my experiments with Qt for embedded projects. Here I’ll tell about assembling process of the board and will run Boot to Qt demo on it.

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  • C++ backend for QML

    2016-07-18 | 3 min read

    That’s a question I see around a lot. And despite the official documentation page I decided to create my own example.

    You can also read a pretty good article, but I’ve made it even simpler.

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  • Escape HTML for highlighting

    2016-07-12 | 1 min read

    When you are trying to highlight some code that contains special characters, this can mess up your markup. So you need to escape some characters first, for example replace all < and > with &lt; and &gt;. I used this page to find the codes.

    I’ve had enough of copy-paste-replace-this-replace-that-copy-paste, so I created a page of my own that does at least replacing part:

    Escape your HTML for highlighting

    The core of the replacing mechanism is this RegEx:


    It can also re-escape the result, sometimes it can eventually escape unescaped. You can do it by pressing the button with the in the middle.

    You can see, that it escapes only pretty basic stuff, so don’t rely on it in any somewhat difficult cases.

  • Broken paginator in Octopress

    2016-07-11 | 2 min read

    At some point the pagination in my blog got broken. I suspect that’s because I installed custom theme and it messed up something, but I’m not sure. Anyway, the link ← Older in the bottom of the front page directed to /2 instead of posts/2.

    And that’s how I’ve managed to fix it.

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  • Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice

    2016-07-10 | 1 min read

    Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice

    Изначально тупая идея, такое же исполнение, миллионы долларов на ветер, три часа поехавшего Ватмана и сотни повисших “продолжение следует”. Ну хоть амазонка зачотная.
