Declaration of VAR

and some other stuff

On 19.05.2021 the website was moved to This is just a mirror now.
  • Screen recording with FFmpeg on Windows

    2017-04-24 | 3 min read

    Instead of filming your desktop’s screen with a smartphone, you should record it “directly” from the system. Needless to say, quality of the video will be much better that way.

    I’ll show you how to do it with FFmpeg on Windows.

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  • Atom for Python development

    2017-04-18 | 2 min read

    Despite the fact of being Electron-based, Atom is a really great editor, and it can be used for Python development.

    I was looking for something like this, not a full-blown Java-based IDE, but merely a text editor with syntax checking and highlighting. Sublime Text is a great thing too, but for this particular purpose I liked Atom more.

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  • How to connect to a network projector from Windows 10

    2017-04-15 | 4 min read

    You just can’t.

    …Well, you can, but only with auto-discovery search, you cannot specify the IP address of projector. And it wasn’t an easy way to discover this.

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  • Current roadmap of Qt

    2017-04-03 | 7 min read

    Эта статья на русском 🇷🇺

    What to expect from Qt in future. Short overview of the current roadmap.

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  • Qt at the Embedded World 2017

    2017-03-31 | 5 min read

    Эта статья на русском 🇷🇺

    Embedded World 2017 is an annual event about embedded platforms and everything related to it. Here you can find hardware vendors (development boards, devices, micro-controllers from Intel, NVIDIA, Toradex, NXP, Qualcomm and others), software companies (operating systems and frameworks from Microsoft, QNX, Green Hills, Wind River and others), and also lots of service companies.

    And of course The Qt Company participated as well.

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  • Installing Qt for the first time

    2017-03-29 | 4 min read

    I saw today a question about installing Qt with the official installer: “What’s the proper configuration or setup in the installation menu? It shows whole bunch of options and I have no idea what to select or deselect”.

    Indeed, as I now remember my first time I was installing Qt, for me it also looked completely not-intuitive in regard to what do I need to install and what is what in general. So, here’s an article about it.

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  • How to generate RSS feed for a tag in Octopress

    2017-03-29 | 2 min read

    By default you have only one RSS (Atom) feed in your Octopress blog. But what if you want to provide a separate feed for some particular tag? You can do it quite easily.

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  • Mac OS service for resizing pictures

    2017-03-20 | 2 min read

    So, there is a need to quickly resize some pictures - for example, scale a bunch of photos to width of 800px (preserving the aspect ratio). And of course we want a Mac OS service for that, so we could just right-click selected pictures and do it.

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  • Rogue One

    2017-03-19 | 1 min read

    Rogue One

    Блеать, снова Звезда Смерти? Далёкая-далёкая галактика, по-видимому, весьма-весьма небольших размеров. Собственно, там только Звезда Смерти и немножко периферии.

    Из контента также присутствуют новая тёлка-главгерой, ещё больше “актёров” по квоте, очередной робот-петросян и слепая версия Ип Мана. Как и зачем последний согласился (и Ганнибал тоже) - непонятно.


  • American Honey

    2017-03-18 | 1 min read

    American Honey

    Группа абитуриентов провинциального профессионально-технического училища ходит по домам и впаривает подписку на журнал “Крестьянка”. Многогранные характеры героев раскрываются в глубокомысленных сценах и содержательных диалогах. Присутствует такая-то любовная драма. Неспешное повествование раскрывает захватывающий сюжет на протяжение ДВУХ ЧАСОВ И СОРОКА ТРЁХ МИНУТ.
