-- https://apple.stackexchange.com/a/321377/92892 try set format to (button returned of (display dialog "Select the format of the chosen color for the clipboard." buttons {"Cancel", "HEX", "RGB"} default button 3 with icon 1 with title "Color Picker")) set {r, g, b} to choose color set {r, g, b} to {_16_to_8(r), _16_to_8(g), _16_to_8(b)} on error e number n if (n = -128) then --user canceled set clipboard_string to (get the clipboard) if ((clipboard_string count) = 6) then set {r, g, b} to hex_string_to_dec(clipboard_string) else return end if else log {n:n, e:e} return end if end try if (format = "RGB") then set the clipboard to ("rgb(" & r & ", " & g & ", " & b & ")") else set the clipboard to ("#" & {dec_to_hex(r), dec_to_hex(g), dec_to_hex(b)}) end if on _16_to_8(n) return ((n / 65535) * 255) as integer end _16_to_8 property hex_chars : "0123456789ABCDEF"'s characters on dec_to_hex(n) if (n = 0) then return "00" return (hex_chars's item (((n div 16) mod 16) + 1)) & (hex_chars's item ((n mod 16) + 1)) end dec_to_hex property hex_to_dec_chars : "" on hex_to_dec(s) set s to s's items's reverse set {d, p} to {0, 0} repeat with c in s set d to d + (((offset of c in hex_to_dec_chars) div 2) * (16 ^ p)) set p to p + 1 end repeat return d as integer end hex_to_dec on hex_string_to_dec(s) if character 1 of s = "#" then set s to s's text 2 thru -1 set r to {} repeat with x from 1 to length of s by 2 set end of r to hex_to_dec(s's text x thru (x + 1)) end repeat return r end hex_string_to_dec